Spiritually Speaking
10 Ways To Take Action: How To Practice Anti-Racism
Examine and challenge your own racial biases, prejudices and conditioning. Identify any bias you may need to unpack and let go of. This is a process and if you are doing it truthfully it will be uncomfortable.
White Ally: A Guide to Cultivating a Deeply Spiritual AntiRacism Practice
I'm excited to share with you that my first book will be published soon!
White Ally: A Guide to Cultivating a Deeply Spiritual AntiRacism Practice
You can pre-order the ebook here and paperback will be available August 1st.
I have always loved books and began writing as a way of healing when I was twelve years old. It's been a dream of mine to write a book. However, this is not the book I had in mind. The way babies choose their parents, this book chose me in so many ways.
7 Ways to Reduce Your “Racism Footprint”
EARTH DAY, an annual event which began on April 22, 1970, will be celebrated next week. It is a day to celebrate the planet’s environment, and raise public awareness about pollution and climate change. We have been warned of climate change and the effects are now upon us with heat waves, fires, flooding, and droughts.
Understanding Race: 20 Things Everyone Should Know About Race and Racism
Understanding Race: 20 Things Everyone Should Know About Race and Racism
By now we know that race isn’t real, but it still remains our deepest divide. It is time to take a closer look at race, begin redemptive conversations, cultivate deep healing and choose right or compassionate action.
It is important to understand the difference between racial bias and systemic and institutional racism. Racial bias, whether conscious or unconscious, often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. Xenophobia and anti-immigration are examples of prejudice, bias and hate, but systemic racism is something different.